Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to get rid of Canada geese - Why Do not Work bait

In recent years, we have an ongoing battle with the Canadian geese that appear on the lawn at our house on the lake of love. We tried most of the options available to get rid of the geese successful and others not. One of these options have been recalled. We found that it did not work for us and I think I know why. Under different circumstances, I have heard good recall, but did not help our situation.

There are two problems with bait. The first thing I think is thatgeese are stupid. This seems to be a problem with many of the methods that we tried to get rid of the geese. They are not stupid and soon learn that a place is not very friendly or dangerous. With many animals, where the hunt for a couple of times they will learn not to come around. Geese not just the message. Will really get used to things that are designed to scare them away. There are many stories about the control of geese at airports where the airport is a taxMaker of noise to chase the geese and even a couple of weeks after the geese get used to just walk around and close to noisy to ignore.

The second problem is that calls are static. Usually do not move on their own and everything is not moving does not seem to exist with a goose. In reality nothing to deserve to continue on the road for the goose. I have enough in my garden. As the geese on the coast and when they move parallel to the coastignore me. If I move them, but slowly I ignore it. In order to have to move aggressively against them. Most of the bait and do not move the money from geese.

The traps are of two basic types - which look like a predator that looks like a competitor. First, this form of dog and swan shapes. A real dog would certainly be a deterrent, but a silhouette of a dog is not really seam to do something about the geese. The swan floatcalls to make more sense, but at the end of the geese seem to learn quickly that these are not the geese swans attack in their territory to protect the swans do so. Also, and this is why I think they do not work for us, a swan (or dog) on the same site 24 hours a day not to register with the geese. I think if I could have moved from the swan decoys every day or several times a day, and if I could be afraid that the geese once or twice, moving helper, while in the neighborhood,recall swan would work. However, as I already said this is a weekend home and we were not enough for that to work.

So baits do not work for us, but I have some ideas, if you live in the house all year round with the goose problem.

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