Monday, November 29, 2010

Annoying Parks

When taking your friend, relative or significant other from one day to enjoy the park the last thing on your mind is your health and wellbeing, but when the park becomes a breeding ground for nasty diseases they would think twice.

Central Park, Grant Park, the bay of San Francisco are all the target areas for birds and other creatures to infect. And the health of people in danger, city officials are starting to restrictions on those who have visited the park. Today the parks to discourage breast-feedingbirds and squirrels in playgrounds. City health departments want to avoid the remains of animals, the next meal.

When most people think of relief critter tend to focus on the aesthetics of the problem. People complain about the sight and smell, and not the seriousness behind the droppings reach. The birds, squirrels and rats can carry more than 60 diseases, some in the air that can cause serious health complications for the human body. Histoplasmosis is one of the most commondiseases that are carried out through bird droppings. The disease can cause high fever, blood disorders, pneumonia and even death. Cryptococcus is another disease that mainly from pigeon dung and can cause lung infection. The Brick Township High School football field was full of excrement, causing a risk for a student to slip and fall. Karl Rex, was a student at Brick Township scrimmage on the field and had contracted cellulitis, a bacterial infectionunder the skin. Doctors said the infection was probably caused by goose droppings.

Rats also carry salmonella and rat bite fever which can be acquired through the bite or scratch from an infected rodent. Early June Mahabo Atia, a young girl was attacked by a rat at Clement Morgan Park in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The park was known for having an ongoing problem of rats. There was evidence that someone is feeding the birds with bread, so that more animalscome together.

Lisa Peterson, the city's public works commissioner said: "You're not just feed the birds, you're feeding rodents.

Infections in these parks are not only the health of our community at risk, but is slowly deteriorating our beautiful park. Bird droppings, for example, have elements that can cause acid erosion of wood, metal and steel. Experts have found that bird droppings were a key factor in Minneapolis, Minnesota I-35W bridge collapse lastAugust. If bird droppings can cause a bridge collapse, then the playground is still a higher risk, making the city responsible for the destruction or injury. Such incidents are a perfect example of how people are generally more aware of health problems associated with the feces of animals, but as so few understand or believe that animals can do physical damage to artificial structures.

Parks would not be the same without seeing a duck swimming in a pond or a squirrel runsa tree, but if the ducks and animals have become everything you see, the community must find ways to protect themselves and spread the abundance of vermin. Some parks have launched products to deter and repel these animals in a human, an eco-friendly (green) and environmentally friendly. These products are divided into four modes, sight, hearing, taste and physical barriers.

Visual Aids: As with sound deterrents, change is important. If you are just a plastic owlthe yard, they will quickly realize that's not really a threat because it moves ever. To work in the long term, a repeller must involve movement. One option is a big orange ball that holograms on the front and back ha. It seems to move when the eyes of birds at things from different angles. In addition to taking your eyes, is mounted on a spring around the predator to move and bounce in the wind caused. A second is a life-like owl that moves up and down with a wingspan that makes it seem as if theowl flies.

deterrent Sound: Like the birds get used to the same sound repeated over and over again, choose a programmable device that sounds, alternating in nature. An example that varies in frequency, duration and sequence, and features the sounds of birds is in trouble and predators in search of food. This is an important factor in discouraging long-term. For exterior audibly, but the interior spaces to choose an ultrasonic device that will not disturbpeople enjoying the installation.

Taste: products that use the same part of concord grapes that were mentioned in the

section 'taste' also respond to the sense of taste. Geese, pigeons and other birds will not graze weeds on your property and the overwhelming feeling of these products affects them.

Physical barriers: Bird spikes (think "barbed wire for birds") to prevent a bird resting on a ledge, sill, roof peak, etc. bird network works fine. If birds are nothave easy access and comfortable place to rest at home, are less likely to meet there.

Each product is used for different reasons, but what they all have in common is to help keep your parks and community for protection against pests, diseases, injuries and damage. So the next time you think about taking your family or significant others devils at the park, remember that birds and insects not only beautiful little animals were the source of the disease orpossible injuries.

Friends Link : Real Salt Maupassant Guy Forest Community

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