Now that almost everyone is a believer in web video, it's time to figure out how to use it effectively as a tool for marketing communication. Oh sure, there are a few diehard holdouts fill their sites with thousands of words in the text densely populated solidified in a vain attempt to attract "Mr. GoodSearch 'and we all continue to encourage especially our competitors, because if they have the marketing tactics of yesterday, we are able to gain market share by communicating withtechniques that lead to more effective public involvement, more memories, and more sales opportunities.
Even if you're a little 'uncertain benefits web video brings your marketing efforts, consider the use of Google has invested in YouTube and you know where the greatest opportunity for life. So let's all agree, is where the video, but still keep half, say convincing presentation content, or more accurately, professional, well-designedproducts, attention to video-post, which carries a meaningful message in a memorable way that is less advertising and more content, less pitch and more experience.
You can do this yourself, but perhaps questionable, therefore, for you and blows the petty cash on the latest HD camera, good lighting, editing and motion graphics software, such as DVDs such as "You Can Be The Next Ridley Scott" on hard drive and a computer powerful enough to handle software HD filesprocessing, photography, custom signature music and sound effects, and before you ask your spouse or person you are shooting bills in the office with a background from the office picnic last year and replaced broken chair that you like, ask is really how to do marketing for my business? I mean look, maybe your camera friendly, maybe you have the right voice that fits your message, perhaps you understand body language, perhapsacting experience, you may know how to write a screenplay and maybe ... while the idea? And we have not yet talked about the content and concept. Is there a place for not only amateur in the business.
The challenge of ad content
The real challenge in designing websites is not backend technical issues, search engine optimization, proliferation or function, but rather as the advertising content, and content into an experience. We know that no one likes to be sold, in particularif it is a hard sell pitch demanding quick decisions and immediate action. People are more willing to take such a sale as quickly as possible attacks, especially on the web where escape is just a click away.
Suppose for a moment that you want a professional web presentation and not a matter of ego-satisfaction of customers and video dirt. Suppose further that you have a team that has the necessary skills to deliver the hired "right stuff". The next step is to offerthat team with the goods they need to get the job done.
Gather resources
The first thing you need to do is get together all the resources. Here is a list of things you need to supply or have done to begin:
1. Logos that work
A well designed logo is a must. I can not tell you how many times we had on the design or at least re-design logos for clients in the industry for years. A campaign video is about communicating apersonality and identity that needs a visual tag to confirm that the brand image.
Most people realize they need a logo, but usually only think in one dimension, graphic design. With a well designed logo in the hands of a tag audio logo can be combined so that the brand message is penetrating sight and hearing. Remember that your goal is to publish content and to do this you need an unforgettable experience and point of usevideo to communicate your message using sight, sound psychological and subliminal persuasion.
2. Mission statements - It's About The Why
Mission statements are typically useless exercises in the sense of self-indulgent. If your mission statement says the company is committed to providing the best products at the lowest prices, with world-class customer service then you know that your mission statement is useless. If these people banality, yawn and go listen. Inthe last time I had a mission that promises to lower the garbage, heard at high prices, with little or no customer support service?
Instead of a pointless mission to create a "Why Statement" that answers the question, why would anyone want to do business with you? I've already made our own version - "We run the advertising content, and content into an experience:" It 's what we do, we are dedicated to, and if it does what you want then you need anotherproduction team. You have to keep your customers a reason why it should worry about your business, why should they do business with you. It is a commitment not to be feared, but embraced. It 's the message you would like to offer, the only thing that the public will remember you that you stand out from the competition, and ultimately the reason for doing business with you or not.
3. Six things to know
The Declaration provides that your brand point of viewand personality. It focuses public attention on the key advantages is expressed. So the next thing you need to give the six most important things that you want to say about what you do.
Why are you? Do you need some discipline in the presentation of messaging in order to be effective. Limit the number of things you say emphasizes what is important, so do not get lost in a fog of marketing Jibber-Jabber, and prevents the creation of information overload.
4. RealisticWeather
You hear and read a lot of ROI and the importance of the results of scientific measurement to tune commercial communications. The business is constantly engaged with the profession is doing in science and the Fool's Gold of advertising. Advertising has always been a political push-pull struggle between the creative team and account executives. Account managers and their bullets, pie charts, stock images and PowerPoint presentations. The problem is that it is all aShell Game, by the illusion that corporate mechanic trained sales people lack the insight to work for what really works, the psychological persuasion. Instead, settle for a seemingly impressive, but often misleading facts and figures.
Nobody suggests that the video presentations for the Web-love art-for Art ', we have all seen visually stimulating advertisements that do not look like a commercial point of view, but marketing's Dirty Little Secret unaware that purchasing decisions aremainly based on emotion, not a rational argument would be madness.
"Do not or try. There is." - Yoda
You're going to make mistakes. Some things work better than others. It is fine-tuning your message, on the basis of statement because. You must engage in a strategy of web video about the distribution of content that is memorable not only explaining why a number of easy shots off sales pitches'. Web video can take to attract an audienceattention, deliver advertising material and illuminating in a memorably funny, and that's how they should be assessed.
Storytelling Video Web Commercial
What is the best way to illustrate why people should do business with you? On the web there is a need for energetic, creative and fun. No matter if you sell legal services or leg warmers, if you do not impress, the public will not listen, and if they do not listen, do notI remember, let alone why they should care.
There is much emphasis on speed today, but your website is not the place to encourage it. In fact, you want to do exactly the opposite. Do you want your audience to slow down, relax, listen, and what the video has to say to absorb. If your video provides information, entertainment content then your target audience, those who are serious about what you do and will listen to one of the best ways to listen to them is a story to tell.
All storiesat least what you are going to remember are three important elements. Think about how you build a professional comic story: there is a setup, a twist, and a joke. A well made video from the Internet has similar elements: a setup that issue, the resolution 'aha' an elaboration of the difficulties, problems, the conventional wisdom, or false solutions and gifts. Remove one element and the presentation falls apart. If speed is your goal, buy a sports car, a marketing success is whatyou will, the question of the three elements that the presentation is worth watching.
When It's All Said and Done
If the video production team comes back to you with a concept, ask yourself fat. It 's something that people will remember? Do speak to the question of why anyone would want to do business with you?
A final word on whether or not the concept that you have presented is correct. If your spouse, best friend or relatives do not understand and thatafraid that someone might be offended to know that it is directed, and is probably the exact right approach to follow. If you play it coy as to not offend someone, and if they insist on the fact that everything you do and all the functions and provide benefits for certain that fail to be marked. A production team can only be as good as you let them be.
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